Dust on speaker cones.

I have two pair of Aerial Acoustic towers. I prefer the appearance with the grills off. They both don't get used daily but each set does get used multiple times a week.

I recently noticed dust on the lower surface of the speaker cones. Very fine and you have to look close. Just typical house dust. But it wasn't there (I don't think) when I got them 2-3 years ago and 1 year ago respectively. The original owner kept the grills on them.

I'm assuming it doesn't make a lot of difference but do I need to do anything about it? If so, what? I certainly don't want to touch them. I don't think loud volume will do it as it almost looks like it is held in place by static electricity. It is cold and dry hear and everything is staticy. I would be hesitant to use anything to blow air on them.

Open to suggestions  even if it is just to leave them alone.


Unless it's sticky, a micro fiber towel and make up brush kit is really good.

A vacuum cleaner hose with a large vent you can adjust for maintenance. Use a soft brush attachment.

If its sticky, sit it on fire, outside preferably. :-) No there is a way for that too. BUT it may include fire.. LOL
