FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!



Accuphase T-101 Super Tuner | Tuners | Audiogon

Give this guy a call to discuss this tuner. I can tell you that my modded one sounds exceptional. The link above is for the same seller that modded mine. I met him in-person when we did the sale. A bit of a tuner guru.


The Accuphase looks like a very fine piece, especially being refurbished with expert care, but the price is too much of a stretch for me.

I'd be more comfortable under $300.

These responses have been very helpful and I am going back and forth between tuners for sale and the fmtunerinfo page.

Magnum Dynalab seems like a good choice and am keeping my eyes out for nice vintage, but it does seem that the older tuners especially, may benefit from some refurbishing and/or upgrades.

The hunt continues for now!

"I'd be more comfortable under $300."

If you look at the listings, 2 in your price range. There is a Marantz for $350. Prices are always negotiable.

If you're adventurous, a true "vintage" Sherwood for $250. The Sherwood is tubed, so it will produce a sound unlike other  inexpensive  SS units.  Tube tuners, subjectively, have a more "organic" or convincing presentation.

I have a Magnum Dynalab MD 102 and a Fanfare FT1a.  I had a MD 90 and sent it in for repair.  They gave me a trade in offer on the 102 I couldn’t pass up and I’ve been enjoying it for seven years.  I listen to FM every day   

I just picked up a used Fanfare FT1a and it’s awesome.  I actually bought it for a second system but it’s currently connected to my main system.  It sounds awesome, has presets and remote.  Unfortunately they are no longer in business but it’s the best 200 I’ve spent in a while and was worth the risk.  It sounds great and works flawlessly and picks up stations in NH and RI  and I’m just outside Boston.   

Magnum tuners have a flat $150 repair fee and they are good to deal with in my experience 


@big_greg , offers excellent advice. When it comes to tuners, like real estate, it comes down to; "location, location, location"

FWIW, IME, Magnum Dynalab’s own cheaper (though still somewhat expensive for what it is) previously called "silver ribbon", presently called SR-100 worked better than their own more expensive ST-2 or the Fanfare equivalent.

While the Magnum Dynalab’s tuners are very good quality, for under $300 you might find better value from some of the offerings from Luxman, Denon etc..

Again, consider what @big_greg posted, and seek a tuner that has favorable specs for your particular needs, whether that be sensitivity or selectivity.