Soundsmith Strain Gauge - Thank You!

Someone tipped me off to a Strain Gauge for sale. It was a few weeks ago and I've lost track of who, it should be there in my PMs and emails but nada. So anyway I got it, and it is not here yet but I have you to thank- whoever you are!😂 Sorry but I guess I get a lot more messages than I thought😁 Thanks for letting me know. Appreciate it.
Never done this before, but one of the first things I will do is check the 2 styluses under the microscope. Since they are identical, except for one having a couple hundred hours, it will be a great opportunity to compare and then as time goes by have the new one as reference. But yeah I am thinking they last a very long time. Which is good, as I have in mind this will probably be as Seinfeld would say a dead mans cartridge.

Good grief, Miller thanks someone!!!!!

Twice in the same thread.

What's come over him?
I’m quite familiar with spiritofmusic who hangs with the top high-end relatively expensive crowd but on a more limited budget. He squeezes the maximum amount of performance from his gear and carefully chooses upgrades that maximizes his $. A report cites the sonic progression of his audio system from good to great. His earlier recommendation of Sablon cables and IIRC the Degritter RCM as high price/performance was spot on. Kind of wished I rolled the dice during the Degritter development to prepay and save $1k. Someday, I hope to also have a dedicated audio room.

Besides the occasional roil with other members, from your accumulated knowledge you’ve given so much to this forum that I wish you the very best in your audiophile journey. I’ll bet you’ll be rocked by the performance of the SG, a major Wow moment and moments to come. Welcome to the Soundsmith Peter Ledermann club, one of the nicest, helpful, most knowledgeable cartridge designers/manufacturers out there.  Looking forward to your report.
Thanks, that is what I'm hoping for. Comparing moving mass between SG and MC (or even MI) are compelling. So is the timing, and not having to amplify 40+ dB for RIAA. It all makes perfect sense, and when technology aligns with actual listener results this usually is the mark of a winner. Last night listening to my Koetsu/Herron all tweaked to the max it is easy to imagine yet hard to believe. Soon we will know. 

Yes waiting for spiritofmusic to chime in. His comments came up repeatedly as I was researching and always excellent useful information. What you said is exactly what I have been going for, hangs with the top-end but on a more limited budget. 
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