Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning

How many of you guys truly know of Puritan Audio Labs ? Not many yet ,these are made in the U.K 
I have 3 friends in Europe that own them , and found a guy at our audio club just  an hour away 
I will check out next week , and against the much more costly AQ niagra  this removes hum,noise 
like nobodies business .model 136, and  better still model 156 all under $2k check out the video.

"best kept secret" is a marketing hype phrase. However good these units are, and the testimony about them is quite good, your language gives you away as someone promoting them rather than advocating qua hobbyist.
I just have a difficult time thinking you could hear the difference in a blind test.  Be interesting to know.

People who reach for this must listen to their systems for every flaw and not really enjoy their system because they think they are settling for less.  How can you enjoy music if you are constantly trying to pick your system apart piece by piece?
You need to work on your guerrilla marketing technique. :)

Best process is enthusiastically recommending a product dozens of times in theses threads (sometimes having never heard it). Be relentless. Then, when momentum builds, and sales are boosted, reach out to your dealer (or even better, the manufacturer) to place an order. Ask if a nice discount might be possible based on increased sales you generated.

Many hifi reviewers have been using this technique for decades. You know, "I liked it so much I bought the review sample."

That’s how it’s done.

As for this comment:
...against the much more costly AQ niagra this removes hum,noise
I have written a comparison elsewhere between a lower cost AQ Niagara 1200 and a Puritan 156. I preferred the Niagara 1200 and sold the Puritan 156. Both products removed noise. I have no direct experience with their affect on hum, but hum is usually a grounding issue.

Every system is different, as is every listener.

“Best process is enthusiastically recommending a product dozens of times in theses threads (sometimes having never heard it). Be relentless. Then, when momentum builds, and sales are boosted, reach out to your dealer (or even better, the manufacturer) to place an order. Ask if a nice discount might be possible based on increased sales you generated.”

This is no secret….just read the threads started by millercarbon 😂
Matter of fact the way it works, they call me and not the other way around. They do this because what they value more than anything else is credibility. Quality writing, the ability to clearly explain how something works and performs runs a close second. This works because of a fundamental disconnect you are unable to grasp, in spite of being told repeatedly.

So here it comes again. The vast majority of readers never post. They do their due diligence, find their information, and act. They do not blather. They just do. This is what is throwing you off. You think that because every time you log on you see blather, that this is the point of the site. It is not. In truth the real use involves filtering past the blather in order to find useful information.

Readers find that with Millercarbon. They even, and I know this one'll be hard to swallow, but they even enjoy reading me dismantle shibboleths, canards- and empty-suited blatherers.