Lay Off the Newbies!

I always try to keep my posts constructive, but there is something that regularly goes on here that I think is detrimental to our hobby - A newbie has a simple question and a bunch of neurotic geezers (of which I include myself) jump on the guy with a million rules and rituals he must follow to achieve his goal, which ends up discouraging the guy right out of hobby. There was one analog thread on static where I recommended Gruv Glide and you geezers started in with so much BS- humidifiers, move to another climate, expensive gimmicks, etc, that GG would kill him and his records.  The end result? By the end of the thread, he sold his analog rig because he couldn't deal with the stress.  In a recent digital thread, you guys are recommending a newbie buy 20 year old transports.  All this does is just make newbies so stressed out that you'll drive them to MP3s.  Newbies need simple answers, commensurate with their experience level.  Buy a Rega table, screw in a Rega cartridge and play records.  They have plenty of time to turn into us.  Somehow we survived, listening to our Sansui receivers and JBL L-100s in bedrooms thick with pot smoke and spilled Boone's Farm.  And we made it.  Sometimes I'm amazed as well.  Let the young have fun while they can. Be well.  

Somehow we survived, listening to our Sansui receivers and JBL L-100s in bedrooms thick with pot smoke and spilled Boone's Farm.

I love it!  Thanks for the memories.  I'll add turning the lights down and listening to Rick Wakeman's Journey to the Center of the Earth.
You’ve been very helpful to me over the years. I appreciate it! 

Regarding the subject of your post, I’m not sure it just has to do with newbies. It seems like it’s a case of hurting people hurting people.

Quite a quandary…
'Regarding the subject of your post, I’m not sure it just has to do with newbies. It seems like it’s a case of hurting people hurting people".

Uncledemp-- you make an excellent point. After all, one can find the same sort of thing on just about any online forum, these days.

What was once known as "common courtesy" has morphed into "common discourtesy".  

%tages I'd be interested in.....F My I.....

-Newbies happy/not happy with the 'AG Experience'....
-Existing subject to the same y/n query...🙄

AG as a whole Is a bit more....'uneven' in response to newbies.
Generally, relatively courteous...'in forum' discussion amidst the 'locals' to the OPs'  query responses can get a bit 'haywire', but...*shrug*

'Long Form Forums' re wires, ICs',  why this/that amp, pre, post, speaker(s), etc., ad infinitum probably stunt one into silence....not wanting to incite pixelated piking.... far the majority here is civil to all and any.....until the random response/rant leads to a meltdown of sorts with some or no conclusion/resolution. for 'haywired'...*L*  Yup, guilty.  Born/bred that way...rather used to it.  Not likely to rewire unless breathing stops....
Rather fond of carrying on with that latter activity...;)

... Moanday morning comes too soon...Good whatever, J
I think we should treat both the old and new posters with equal insulting distain and not single out anyone relative to age or experience.