PASS LABS XP-22 vs. XP-12


I recently acquired pass labs monoblocks 260.8 and am using a pass labs xp-17 phono preamplifier.  I am using Harbeth 40.2 speakers. 

 I am currently auditioning the pass labs xp-12 preamp and like it but wondering if should ask reno hifi to demo the xp-22.  I am only using the turntable on the linestage although perhaps will add digital to it at some point.  

If anyone has heard both would be interested especially in their opinion.

I could get a non Pass preamp but would cost me about $1000 in package deal value from reno hifi so for now gonna stick to an all pass system......
I know it sounds great, I just love the look as well. My BHK pre sounds amazing with my FirstWatt J2, I’m probably not looking a too much of a sound upgrade, however, the looks set the Pass apart.
Stereophile said the BHK and XP22 sounded very similar! Damn. Big respect to the BHK which is substantially cheaper.
I’ve gone through both the BHK and Pass XP-22. The BHK was more satisfying overall but the XP-22 had better bass. My recommendation: find a used ARC Ref 6, which bested both in my system. It was much more dynamic and fuller in the lower midrange and upper bass. I ended up with the much more expensive Ref 6SE. The difference between those two models is significant, but much less than comparing the Ref 6 to the others.