The Intellectual People Podcast - Ethan Winer (RealTraps)

Ethan Winer joins for an hour of explanation of room treatment and explains his views on many other audio related topics including his book The Audio Expert.
I believe humans are insensitive to distortion until it reaches high levels especially in lower frequencies where we seem to tolerate a lot.
Nothing makes you feel better than having an "expert" validate your
preconceived notions with his. 👍

All the best,
There are no universally acknowledged experts in audio.

Just different opinions.

Everyone has an angle.

Some are more altruistic.

Some are more monetary and profit based. Businessmen, shill merchants, peddlers, advocates, snake oil salesmen etc. Disparate views but all with one thing in common nonetheless.
All of them looking for free advertising.

Take your pick, but for me Ethan is in the former camp.
Where is the expert in electrical,mechanical,electronical (tubes and digital) ,and acoustical and psycho acoustical science all at the same time?