Tonearm sugestion

Hi, I’m a first time poster and seeking suggestions for tonearms and cartridges for a luxman pd441 table (just purchased with a Sme 3009 s2 arm)
The rest of the system is Revel Ultima gem speakers, Rel t7i sub and Peachtree nova 300 (next planed upgrade)
Haven’t hooked up my system in 20+ years but decided in setting up my old equipment this past winter and found that my old stereo system is tired and needs updating. So I’m on the long road of doing lots of research and making mistakes.
Spent 10 years in my youth dj’ing and I realized my hearing is gone in the upper register, because of, it might be a futile pursuit in trying to seek Hi-Fidelity reproduction from my equipment.
Any and all suggestions welcome on the whole system.

thanks all

I have two Luxman PD-444 and many arm bases for them. One of the best tonearm would be FR-64fx, for you it can be PRO version of this tonearm designed for radio deejays / broadcast. This is expensive tonearm!

Another great cheaper option is Denon DA-401 tonearm, this is a light mass tonearm.

What is your cartridge?
I'm sure that German forum has some interesting post but you need to know how to read German.

I would start by identifying which version of the SME 3009 S2 you have as they vary greatly in effective mass.

Hi, much obliged for all the replies and good suggestions.
I haven’t received the deck yet (about 1 1/2 weeks away before it arrives)
To give a little more detailed description to what I’m looking for; I currently own an Audio Linear 4001 turntable with a Grace 747 tonearm and everything seams a little flimsy to me.
I like a well built mechanical thing that requires little maintenance after the initial setup/adjustments and is easy to use. Do not like products that are over engineered.

thanks again

Jelco 850, 750 should be able to find reasonably priced and can use the majority of cartridges out there with either of these two models.  Good Luck and don’t make it to difficult on yourself....