What is better, analog or digital?

I'm listening to the Best of Marley on the album, and I have to say it sounds better then digital.   More definition and more realism.  Of Course this is MHO  Using a Rega Planer 1 w a cheaper Project phono amp.  

 Let the debate begin, and what should i change out first for better sound
Well, whaddya know! Something different for a change..........

Newbies. Don't ya love em.......?

Here's the Zen answer.  Digital  is like having sex.  Analog is like making love.  Figured  I throw out something  different than Analog is like a med rare steak and digital is like beef jerky.  Another favorite  is freeze dried , you can guess which camp that belongs to.

Enjoy the ride
depends how much time, money, effort is invested...

both my digital and analog is of equal quality now. they have different flair and I enjoy both.

But fun.?    analog is way way fun and involving