This forum is antiquated.

I'm a member of several forums. This site is ancient in it's ability to respond to member's posts, and is also extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts, quotes, etc. What am I missing? For some posts that are so technologically subjective....the objective merits of this website and forums are so 1990s. Ancient technology. 

Thoughts? Discuss.
There are many posts that I would just like to affirm my "like" to, and easily respond to with the click of a button..but in today’s sped-up time-suck of forum posting, I find it too cumbersome and time consuming here.

I know...some will say, "get off my lawn"...and that’s fine. BTW...I’m 60 years of age...and can still "bring it"

Have a fine musical day.

you mean like that, it’s just a right button click away, with Chrome or Edge.
georgehifi8,989 posts04-24-2021 1:19pm👍

you mean like that, it’s just a right button click away, with Chrome or Edge

Six steps to quote, like, and respond with a thumbs up to a specific post.
People come here for free, get knowledge, participate. And then they complain.

Unlike other online sites, I don’t believe this one sells user information or violates their privacy.

So it is a privilege to be here, to read and learn, many helpful and knowledgeable people come here to share information and provide advice. I don’t think this site owes forum members anything.

Suggestions for improvement should be welcome but complaints and criticism of the site being antiquated are uncalled for, for what it provides. If you really don’t like it, just go somewhere else.
The most important part of this site is the people on it.Im not against a slow movement towards better software but its about each of us and what we have to say.The site performs this task admirably.Big thanks to the Mods and yes change is most probably in the wind sooner or later.