This forum is antiquated.

I'm a member of several forums. This site is ancient in it's ability to respond to member's posts, and is also extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts, quotes, etc. What am I missing? For some posts that are so technologically subjective....the objective merits of this website and forums are so 1990s. Ancient technology. 

Thoughts? Discuss.

Showing 3 responses by georgehifi


you mean like that, it’s just a right button click away, with Chrome or Edge.
should have a ’reply’ button

Then it’s the whole post you put up.
The way it is you can do the portion or the whole that you want.
Leave it be, it's fine.
Cheers George
extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts
Just copy and paste, press " while it's blue, and you get what I just did with you.

Cheers George