Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

"TheTubes. Have recently been on the hunt for their records."

oldheavy, I have the 1st two albums-"The Tubes: and "Young and Rich".
Tough to find decent condition LP's, but they're out there. Cheap too.

Their early stuff really tells a stories about the times. "White Punks on Dope" lyrics surprisingly hold up today. Toilet flush ending good check for speaker performance!

To the few who made references to the "Free for all" album- I really liked it when it came out, but I don't give it any play like Ted's debut. IMO, Ted "jumped the shark" after that album- I lost interest. Last album with Derek St Holmes, It was a full Ted show from then on. I have an Amboy Dukes"-Journey to the center of the mind" Good stuff.

Other posters responding to MC's remarks. Just ignore him. Pay no attention, it eventually goes away. 

I can understand his remarks striking a nerve with those directly affected. Lost loved ones, friend and MD's. I had 2 friends pass-both in their 50's. 
Libs are Sooooooo gullible. Pandemic, Scamdemic. the CPP knows they have their allegiance, especially at the top where BIG $$$ is to be made. 

 Go to 3:55

’This is clearly more evidence you cannot trust the mainstream media’ - YouTube
The internet is not your friend when it comes to politics. Buy a book, subscribe to some magazines. Alternate television news sources. Do not listen to talk radio. Travel safely to other countries. Quit the pseudo intellectual attempts at relevance or to put it more plainly quit the laziness. 
Do not listen to talk radio.
said the propogandist. I've listened to Rush for yrs. Before that it was other talk radio. Plus I do my own research. If I still debated with libs, I'd gladly debate you on any political topic. But after spending many yrs on the Outside Asylum & Water Cooler, I quit trying to make any logical arguments with libs because it was as exasperating as trying to explain trigonometry to a 3 yr old. The problem is that we are NOT headed in the same direction. Two people in St Louis, one going to San Fran  & the other to NYC cannot compromise on their destination unless one is willing to change. 
"Other posters responding to MC’s remarks. Just ignore him. Pay no attention, it eventually goes away."

It is true that millercarbon has an excuse. He speaks from inexperience. While other radiology technicians were risking their lives to help other people, he was hiding in his listening room trying new tweaks. His biggest published (here) achievement of 2020 was to courageously suspend speaker cables on rubber bands from the parsley bunches.

( Millercarbon's System - Virtual Systems ( middle picture, third row from the bottom, heroic achievement of 2020)

Calling people who tried hard to help someone "liars" is above any level of tolerable.