Looking for speaker advice-$10-20k

I'm upgrading speakers and am soliciting opinions. 16x27 ft room, Anthem STR Integrated. Mostly Jazz, accoustic, country, classic rock. No electronic. Looking at Sonus Fabre Nova III or V, Paradigm Persona 5F, Magico A3, Dynaudio 660i, Focal Kanta 3 or Sopra 2 or Totem Wind. I've heard the Totems, will hear others this weekend, but would appreciate informed opinions. I need the support of a good dealer, so used not really an option. That also kind of limits brand choice-not comfortable ordering online and trusting my (nonexistent) skills when things go wrong.

Yamaha Soavo pair are nice!

  Odyssey speakers.  
    Martin Logan 

       Salk !
I always find that hard to answer because I'm not sure the usual terms are all that meaningful. I'm looking for clarity, detail, maybe a very slight touch of warmth. My music is not bass heavy, so not looking for overwhelming bass. More toward clear, musical vocals and detailed highs.
+1 For Revel Studio 2's.  Not too bright (Persona), not too laid back (SF).
I went on a four day 4 dealer listening spree, Auditioning these as well as KEF and others.  I do not regret buying the Revels.  Good luck, and yes you will know it when your hear them.  And yes, different electronics make a HUGE difference.  I was auditioning the KEF's when the dealer swapped in a high end DAC and Preamp, and I thought they were different speakers!  Have fun!  Ken
I would take the focal Sopra (2 or 3 based upon room size) over any other speaker up to about $50k. They are magic. I’ve auditioned many many dozens, or more, at this point. Magicos are also very good, but more sterile (some may prefer) than the Focals. More like studio monitors than speakers for grooving. 
SoundLabs 545s, you order them directly from SoundLabs. They are a new smaller version 24"wide and 5 feet tall. They have reviewed very well as all Sound Labs speakers do. Once you are into ESLs you will never look back. Of the speakers you looked at I like the Sonus Fabers the best followed by the Magicos but neither speaker can hold a candle to the Sound Labs. With the addition of subwoofers they will actually go louder and hit harder than any of the speakers you have mentioned never mind the superior imaging and detail retrieval.