Ethernet source

I'm trying, somewhat desparetely, to improve the sound quality of streaming which presently I wouldn't even say is up to cd quality, even though I,ve been streaming hi-res files on qobuz.  My streaming device is a Sonore ultrarendu.  I,m limited in terms of Ethernet access where my system is located.  I,ve been using a net gear power line device to obtain Ethernet off of 120v circuitry.  There is, however,
an Ethernet port on my tv cable box.  Would I be better off using that as opposed to the net gear?

Couple of things to do to elevate SQ of your Sonore ultrarendu,

1. Linear Power Supply, if you’re using a wall wart.
2. Clean Ethernet Feed
3. High Quality Ethernet LAN cable

Get rid of Netgear power line device, that is absolutely one of the worst thing ever invented. Get a Google Wi-Fi Mesh Network system,

Plug one of these directly into your internet provider’s modem or gateway to create your Wi‑Fi network. Connect the ultrarendu into 2nd Google Wifi point.

The Ethernet port on your cable box is a ‘input’ port so you cannot use that to feed ultrarendu.

Use a high quality LAN cables like Supra CAT 8.

Couple of big pluses of Google Wifi System, WiFi is much more robust than the basic modem provided by your Internet provider. Mine is AT&T and the WiFi coverage simply sucks. Secondly, you can prioritize the WiFI traffic to a device in Google WiFi app based on a usage.
Ethernet (without using power lines) is best. Wifi after that and power line is absolute last.  I believe the Ethernet jack on your cable box is an input though, not an output?  If it is an output, you may need a router.

If you are too far from your router to run Ethernet, consider a mesh system like this one:

If your DAC is pre 2010 it really won’t sound very good with anything but high resolution files.
What DAC are you using?
Would it be possible to run a long Ethernet cable to your audio room to see if that improves things?

A $25 repeater would be better than power line.
I've seen it recommended by reputable manufacturers.
No clue about a cable box. 

Anyone serious about Ethernet should check out Computer Audiostyle web site, there are quite a few threads on Ethernet,optical FMC to bring streaming up to cd quality.
It can be done with proper execution, attention to detail and imagination.