Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I disagree. I think millercarbon is misunderstood here. I think of him as an entertainer. You cannot write those posts without joking.
Agreed. As I've stated many times, I find miller's posts quite amusing.
Thank you for the positive outlook and offer. I as well will take you up on it asap.
Would you mind if mine is a water & water on the rocks though? That's the way I roll in my senior years.
Really looking forward to meeting you there!
Ipretiring I make a mean water & water on ice. Look forward to meeting you my friend.
Those who feel the vaccine is a DNA-altering communist plot, PLEASE don't subject yourself to it.   That is clearly a socially-responsible thing to do, and should help thin the herd considerably. 
I'll bet after a few of those mean water & waters on ice I will have to change my tag to Ipretiring. lol
Darn no tag caps!