Phono pre amp

I recently purchased a new TT a VPI Prime with a VDH DD2 special MC cartridge, I'm very happy. I still want to use my previous TT which was a Denon DP51F with a Ortofon MM2 Bronze cartridge. My VPI is plugged into the phono stage on my Yamaha AS2100. The question is, will I get more out of the VPI if I buy a (better) separate phono stage for the VPI and use the Yamaha phono stage for the Denon? If so, what phono pre amp would be good for the VPI?
At the more expensive end of the spectrum I love my Zesto Andros 1.2.  There are lots of reviews to find online.  It has separate MM and MC inputs so it could accommodate both tables.  Easy access to controls and loading on the back, no dip switches.  Lots of gain available.

I have a VPI Prime / JMW tone arm and a Soundsmith Sussorro MKII ES cartridge.  I'm very happy with the sound.  When I originally got the Zesto I was using an Ortofon Quintet black, which I think is closer to what you have in price point.  That cart was also a great match with the Zesto.  If your looking for a destination phono stage that sounds great with a wide variety of cartridge price points and is very flexible and full featured I suggest it wholeheartedly.
@verdantaudioI I do need to stay with black, as all of my gear including the TT is black. Thanks for the info, I will look into some of these suggestions.
Ok, this is your cartridge, this is a very nice phono stage you can use not only with your VdH cartridge, but for two MC/MM at the same time. Loading and gain is adjustable!
chasda, I won't contradict any of the above posts, but in my experience vdH cartridges come in wood boxes.  Inside the box, on the underside of the removable cover, you will usually find hand-written specs for that particular cartridge.  Those data are what I would use for a reference, not whatever anyone else here got off the internet.  What you want to look for is "cartridge output" and "compliance".  Output will be stated in millivolts (mV) in relation to a stylus velocity.  Since stylus velocity is standardized at either 3.54cm/sec or 5.0cm/sec, we can disregard the velocity for now.  Just tell us what is the output in mV.  Likewise, what is the compliance in terms only of the numbers given?  The cartridge output gives you a guide to know how much phono stage gain you need.  The compliance will help to optimize tonearm matching.  You will get more help here if you provide that information.