VPI Classic Setup By Brian Walsh

Hello Everyone, 

Just wanted to give a quick review of my experience with Brian's professional setup. In a nutshell highly recommended.  Thought I had my Classic setup pretty well as I spent at least 3 hours and I have to say it was fun.  My 1st setup by myself.  However, after thinking about how much is invested why not take it a step further and let a professional dial it in.  I have to admit I was amazed at the difference.  Once the tonearm hit the record an immediate improvement was heard.  The obvious difference was the overall balance and decay. Each instrument was noticeably more evident and overall clarity much improved.   I won't go into a lot of audio mumbo jumbo but bottom line Brian's tools and software are a no brainer. He provides each measurement such as azimuth, system resonance and crosstalk just to name a few via charts and graphs with his software. Afterwards the results are emailed.  In closure highly recommended and Brian will not leave until he is satisfied with the results.  

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Stereo5, the service description and cost are on my website, ttsetup.com

Good to hear someone else still enjoys the now ancient VPI Classic 1. After hearing plenty of over the top setups, I came to the conclusion that my rig(Classic 1) IS good enough, once the necessary  adjustments are found.

I  can't figure why some are so anti uni pivot, anti VPI this that, etc. . Find the right cart/phonostage and the other obvious things and you're good to  go.
I'm totally enjoying the "ancient" Classic 1.  Can't satisfy everyone but everything I read on the Classic before I purchased was fantastic.  Could care less what others think.  Its a substantial turntable and looks great IMO. 
@bpwalsh Hi Brian. I’m just curious if there are any recurring setting "themes" that you notice where customers come up short. For instance is azimuth rarely set up close to optimal? My guess is that you’ll say it tends to be the cumulative effect of all settings being slightly less than optimal that contributes to the differential gain realized when your assistance is added. However, if there are commonly recurring settings that are way off, I’d really be curious in hearing that input as well. In a world where people argue about the huge sonic benefits from a fuse, I’d have to believe your services are quite packed in bang-for-the-buck value for most "garden-variety" audiophiles.
I wish it was that simple. Every setup is different, although I set the overhang and offset angle consistently and follow the cartridge manufacturer's recommended tracking force. Optimum azimuth varies, even between identical cartridges. And then once in a great while there’s a cartridge that doesn’t measure well and may in fact be defective. Such was the case with a setup I did a few weeks ago, where there was 2.4 dB channel imbalance, and one channel’s crosstalk performance was poor. The cartridge was replaced under warranty, and on my recent return visit the new cartridge measured fine, as expected, and the client is very happy. So I take each setup as it comes, without preconceived notions of how things might go. By the same token my experience helps me evaluate and make adjustments efficiently and accurately.
I hope this helps.