Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
^Most driver damage occurs when people try to play too loud with underpowered amps.
In the case of my Revels the amps were very powerful, but I do understand your point about underpowered amps.
@unsound,  90 dB at 2.83 V 1/m into 4 ohms means current  = 2.83/4 = 0.7075.  Watts = current x voltage = 0.7075 x 2.83 = 2 watts.  90db at 2 watts, 93 at 4, 96 at 8, 99 at 16, 102 at 32.  Regardless, the older I get the more I'm convinced that the way to go is to have a couple of systems.  My den (I guess you'd call it) has my Thiel system, and my family room has my rock 'em sock 'em robots system.  I'm guessing this is actually cheaper than having a single system that tries to do everything.  I've got around 27k in both systems combined but components going all the way back to 2003.  Less than 2k/year, not an extravagant hobby by any means.
@jon_5912, It’s been 50 years since my middle school / high school physics classes, but I seem to remember:

current X voltage

_______________ = Watts


I’m rounding the 3.7’s as a 2 Ohm load.

Space is the ultimate luxury. I’m envious that you can have multiple quality systems. I agree that’s a great way to approach this hobby.

My pleasure suggesting the MoFi caravanserai SACD.

Happy Listening!