Sam here and l just made a new discovry.

O.k this indirectly relates to music as i'm using frequencies.Using my multimeter on the hertz setting i discovered that canned food no matter what it is always measures at 0 hz and 0 hz means the food is dead and when i test fresh organic produce it measures between 20 and 25 hz and is alive, so i used my tone generator set at 20 hz using a clip running from the tone generator and clipped onto the metal lip of the canned good for 1 minute and take a second reading with the multimeter and now the food measures at 20 hz the same as the fresh organic produce even though the food has been sitting in a can for a year.This may be nothing however it may be something.
I can't wait for you to test this on coffee. I'm keenly interested in if there's a difference between whole beans and ground. 
So next time I'm listening to my vegetables I'll be sure to listen for this.
It is apparent that Sam already knows this.

1,583 posts

Freshly dried psilocybin is still best.