something is not right here and it's on purpose!!!

lf you have the same source master on remastered digital and 1st press vinyl with the same volume, the digital sounds louder and more distorted with more intensity + is there anyway to remove that intensity from remastered digital because it sound like the audio has been run through a distortion pedal? How could legendary producers and mixers not hear this crap?
Next thing you will be telling us that a cabal of high end audio manufacturers paid you a large sum of money for a patent on your device so they could keep it from the market, just like big oil did with that ‘super carburettor’ that could get 60 mpg out of a big block Chevy.
Sam there was a PET ROCK, there are still a few around.

So go fo it...

I'll tune in .........Later, ay.

i had my earth frequency portable wireless device i invented that runs 100% on the earth natural electromagnetic grid
Does this device involve a DeLorean?