Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
Your bombshell is Hans Beekhuyzen ? I missed the bombshell it wasn't where he said this sounds better was it? He may be dry and not prone to hyperbole but I didn't see anything to back up his claim. I can say wow this Pepsi tastes better than this other Pepsi but without a chemical analysis I fail to see why anyone would believe me. He could have shown that this switch performed better than a cheap switch with some basic measurements of noise and jitter. 
@nonoise  I got you 100% and in fact appreciated the little stab! Good to know some people here have capacity left beyond preaching their own gospel... and very cool to hear you took German in school, kudos to you, I am aware it is a very tough language to learn.
@djones51  whatever

@nonoise , mine were cool for me being an altar a point when The Ritual had become already too obscure and obtuse to be taken seriously.  Now, I will admit that one of the young nuns was attactive in her way, but the potential of 'worship' with/of her wasn't terribly likely....*L*

'Young nuns' being a rarity even then...;)

'Carson humor'...*smirk*  It was more fun to watch Robin Williams destroy the place, the audience, and Johnny hisself.....;)  Or early Don Rickles act like a verbal pit bull to anyone and thing that came to mind....

'Scuse me, I'm showing my age....and lack of relative restraint....*G*