
I certainly have, personally, experienced the improvement power cords can make on amplifiers...how about their value on other items, such as preamps with external powersuppies, and phono preamps....I know better than to apply layperson logic, which doesn't always work in audio, but it would seem that items that draw less "juice" would be less prone to changes in power cords....thoughts welcomed, but experience more interesting to me.....thanks
@williewonka , I remain appreciative of your time....there a some In-Akustik on US Audio Mart, that will hopefully be there when I am ready to purchase, as I await my new phono preamp
I DIYed two power cord, one for my amp and one for my preamp. I used Belden 83803 wire and Marinco plugs. Bought a 15’ foot piece of wire and made a 12 foot one for my amp and a 3 foot for my pre. The plugs are hospital grade and the wire is extremely well shielded. Not really inexpensive, have around $300 in the pair. I don’t have a lot of experience with power cords but these seem okay.

@jw944ts - In-Akustic is a great choice. Resale is always a bonus :-)

Even though I have never auditioned them, I like their geometry, design and construction methods, and I understand from other Agon members that have owned them, that they perform exceptionally well i.e. compared to other "established"  brands

Happy Listening - Steve
Some thinner power cords are designed for source components. They are not as thick needed for the higher draw of power amplifiers,  etc.    Anyone listening to my desktop audiophile system can bring their own power cable. Connecting it to my DAC alone will change the sound every time. 

The problem is not with the power cords not doing something good.  Its with not having a system with sufficient transparency. A veiled system makes all cords sound the same. 
Once again I'm going to come to millercarbon's defense. I changed the stock power cords on my integrated and CD player and even with my age-related hearing loss and tinnitus I heard an improvement. There was more openness, and expansion of the sound stage. When I changed the fuses to SR Blues there was an even more profound improvement. I can't explain it, don't know if it could be measured, but I heard it and I was not expecting to hear it.