The Mhdt lab Balanced Pagoda DAC

In the last couple of months I have received numerous Emails from readers regarding could I fine a truly balanced R2R DAC that would sell for less then $2,500 to review. Since, I am a fan of the very reasonably priced, but very well built and terrific sounding DACs from Mhdt Lab I requested from the them the Balanced Pagoda model that retails for less then $2,000. In the past I have reviewed the Orchid DAC and found it to be a superlative music maker, raved about it and thought it was a great bargain at it’s price point of $1,200. Take a look at the threads here on AudioGon, where the DIY/modders have shared how they improved the performance of the standard Orchid to a higher level.

The Balanced Pagoda uses four, two per channel, highly regarded NOS Burr Brown PCM 1704-J grade chips. Of course all circuity is doubled and it uses a pair of NOS WE 396 tubes in the analog conversation section, compared to the Orchid’s single tube.

If you run a balanced system and are looking for a "honey" of a DAC, the Balanced Pagoda might be the DAC you are looking for because of its performance vs cost ratio. It takes the beautiful tonality, 3D imaging, wonderful air around instruments of the Orchid to a higher level and adds more transparency/micro-details, with dramatically more powerful overall dynamics/ bass extension. Yet it never becomes analytical in its presentation and draws you into the music.

There are two caveats to be mindful of to get the magic out of the Balanced Pagoda: 1) Drive it with an AES/EBU balanced cable. 2) Only use the XLR outputs. Otherwise you will lose the ultimate performance of this DAC in your system.

I’ll be writing for the Stereo Times website the full review with all the details about the Balanced Pagoda in the next couple of months. For now, this "heads up" hopefully provides to the individuals that were seeking a balanced DAC in this price range enough details to seek out an audition of this excellent performer.

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Since I cannot order an MHDT DAC to see if it has the right synergy with the rest of my system, all I can do is ask folks who have tried them. So the questions I have are ...

1. Since my amplifier (Cronus Magnum) does not support balanced, is the balanced version of Pagoda worth the extra $?

2. I understand that the Orchid only does 16 bit. Given that I often stream from Qobuz @ 24 bit, am I losing much in the way of sound quality? Over the years I've learned that sometimes these things don't matter in the larger scheme of things. I read somewhere that the Pagoda (regular version) loses a little bit of the Orchid magic.

3. How does the regular Pagoda or Orchid compare to the Tubadour III SE? If the Tubadour offers a meaningful improvement in sound, I don't mind saving up for it. But if the differences are subtle, of course I don't mind the savings,

4. I can't seem to find a used MHDT DAC anywhere. So if any owners want to get rid of their units, feel free to contact me :)

I have not heard the Orchid nor the Toubedour. But I do have a single ended Pagoda and I can tell you it is a great DAC. Before that I had an MHDT Havana which I also liked very much. The Pagoda is another level of refinement and detail without losing that organic and natural presentation that R2R dacs are known for. For full disclosure, my Pagoda was modified by the previous owner.



The Orchid does support 24/192 so you can stream 24 bit. I had my Orchid modded by Grannyring with better caps and resistors which brought it to a new level. Even before it was modded it sounded great. You can’t go wrong for $1200.  
If you do purchase the Orchid, I would replace the original tube with an NOS tube that MHDT/LTA recommends. I prefer the WE396A in my system.
BTW- I own the Cronus Magnum 3 and it sounds wonderful with the Orchid. 
First: To answer arafiq's questions. 

1) If you can't run the Balanced Pagoda, balanced it will not give you its best performance.
2) I have reviewed both the Orchid and the Tubadour III SE. If you can afford the up charge of $1000 for the Audio Mirror piece its worth it. You get subtle, but real increments of improvement compared to the Orchid. However, the Orchid does not "wilt" in comparison.

3) If you run the Balanced Pagoda balanced, in my opinion, its at least as good if not slightly better then the Tubadour III SE for about $400 less.

Just had a guest listener who brought his DAC over to compare to the Balanced Pagoda. He wanted to purchase it, it's on loan for the reviewing process, because how much he loved its performance and did not want to go back to his DAC in his system!