Lower end Soundsmith cartridges vs others in same price range?

Soundsmith seems to be a great option for the long term due to their retipping prices. I'm just curious if the performance of the Otello or Carmen is better than anything under $1000 from AT, Ortofon, Hana, etc. I'm running a Technics 1200GR-Elac PPA-2 MM/MC Phono pre. 

I'm not looking for other options as much as opinions on the Soundsmith VS other options.
I have a re-tipped Denon 103r (from Soundsmith), what would be a true upgrade from Soundsmith compared to the 103r?
I cannot compare my Othello (old design) with any of the other similar-priced offerings, but I agree with tablejockey's assessment a few posts above. Slightly light on Deep Purple, really good on classical. It may be system dependent. I would buy it again despite that.
Well I think the cheap SoundSmiths look good. How do they sound? I've got HOMCs Ortofon, Grado, Talisman S and MM Grace.

Jeff Day is currently using a Soundsmith Carmen on a vintage Thorens with a Thomas Schlick arm. This is quite an endorsement. 
His review of the Carmen and Zepher high output are very good. You can find them on Positive Feedback. Good time to buy a Soundsmith. Most of them are on sale.
I am anxiously awaiting a new Paua.