Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?

Seems like in the past 25 years audio has changed so much - cassettes, cds, servers, hard drives...... composite speaker materials..... network servers..... surround sound - AV systems.....
One can only wonder what systems will consist of 25 years from now.
Clearly there's a trend towards computers meshing with TV/Audio...
I wonder what audiophiles will utilize for components, source material and technologies.
Some aspects of audio become obsolete ex) cassettes yet others like turn tables - LPs, tube based components seem to evolve and endure.
History teaches us its usually fairly easy to see what's coming...
This statement would carry more weight if the poster would provide some examples. Like he said, it should be fairly easy.
If its not readily apparent to you, there is no explanation that will suffice.
I will have golden ears by then. By sound I will be able to tell when flea thinks. Within the surrounding galaxies I will be able to identify 40 types of conversations from interstellar occupants at one time. On earth I will be able to hear twelve grand classical concerts going at the same time and can find a common thread that ties them all together and then from that I will compose a score that makes girls cry. I will be able to make a piano sound like a forest full of creatures singing their most beautiful sounds. I will invent a recording technique that captures any sound moment in time better than was in its original form. And my sound system will only have one box but it will be able to transport any live musical event, musicians and instruments, in front of me always at the right distance, timbre, tonal balance, image size, harmonic overtones, leading edge transients, vocals, micro and macro stuff, not to warm but not to cool, not to dry but not to wet, not to bright but not to dark. Pretty much purrfect. I don't say what will audio be like in 25yrs. I say what won't it be like. I am the most interesting person the universe.