Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?

Seems like in the past 25 years audio has changed so much - cassettes, cds, servers, hard drives...... composite speaker materials..... network servers..... surround sound - AV systems.....
One can only wonder what systems will consist of 25 years from now.
Clearly there's a trend towards computers meshing with TV/Audio...
I wonder what audiophiles will utilize for components, source material and technologies.
Some aspects of audio become obsolete ex) cassettes yet others like turn tables - LPs, tube based components seem to evolve and endure.

Showing 11 responses by schubert

Zd542, we'll still be using dollars but the cost of a Yuan or a Euro will be a million of them.
1.5 million will get you a loaf of bread, if you ask nicely of course.
History teaches us its usually fairly easy to see what's coming but most of us lack the courage to look reality in the face, preferring to live in our own delusions.

The standard method is to make things more complicated than they really are so we can feel better about not wanting to endure how merely difficult they are.
If the US continues on its chosen course of playing world policeman there will be none.
Here anyway.
Classical Music is one of the FEW things that is highly enjoyable AND good for your mind and soul at the same time.

I can't speak for others, having only been myself and lived my life but I do know what I've seen.
To me its the only musical genre that's not's looking back to what might have been, the love that was lost, how bad things were in Ireland,my dog died ad infinitum . Now, I love to sit and cry in my beer listening to Lady Day et al as much as the next guy, but it ain't helping me none.Sentiment is not the friend of love, it is its mortal enemy.

Bach will bring me closer to the divine than anything short of the the grave,the truly greats like Beethoven, Schubert, Brahams are always in the here and now while still always moving forward to the best of what could be .
That helps me a lot. Plus I never eat popcorn like I do when I watch TV, so it helps my body too.

Oh, I lied, Classical Music is not of the few things that can do all that, its the only thing that can do all that .
If its not readily apparent to you, there is no explanation that will suffice.
Macrojack, for the bottom third of the population you're describing their reality in 2014.
OK guys if you insist, an easy example . Every serious thinker in Europe, to include some of the highest pols in France, knew laying the sole blame, and cost, on Germany for WWI would make its continuation, aka WW II, inevitable and said so loud and clear in the early 20's. In reality there was enough blame to go around for everyone, but Germany, though guilty, was the least guilty of the bunch.

Financial interests in Paris and New York, with much help from Calvin Coolidge, refused to take their boot off the German neck . Germany was driven into the ground by "reperarations" without which no one would ever have heard of Hitler.
WW II was hardly sporatic, was preventable, and was foreseen 15 years before it started by MANY .
Nearly everything is foreseeable for those who wish to see it. Gazing at one's navel as the measure of reality gives you a limited view. Pollyanna died at Auschwitz, she committed suicide.Left no note, which was just as well.
Later scenario played out in Germany TWICE during a single decade after WWII and still Hitler got only 28% of the vote in
Berlin before he was selected, NOT elected , in 1933.

At the time, and this NO joke, strawpolls in Milwaukee showed he could get 40% of the vote there.