Speaker cable arrows???

I bought a used pair of Silverline Audio's Conductor cables. Plugged them in 
and was very pleased with the neutral sound I was getting. Bare wire to the 
speakers, and bananas on the amp end. Then I realized that the arrows on 
the cables where pointing towards the amp. OOPS, I reversed the path 
direction, and couldn't hear any difference. Zero.
My preference would be to have the bananas on the amp end.

Can I disobey the arrows, and run the cables effectively backwards?

Time's up?🕰
It's going down the toilet?🚽
Put it to bed?🛌
This thread is no different than the mountain🗻 of threads that came before it and will come after it regarding directionality.
Practically every response can be replaced with:
 "Is not!"
 "Is too!"
 No one changes anyone's mind, the same guys snipe at each other, and you inevitably break out those terrific little icons....
I'm not got doggin' ya!🌭
Gotta go, time for a cup of☕.

All the best,Nonoise

when I got my first stereo I wish the seller had been less concerned with ensuring that the cable was put in the right way (and I was forever after terrified of putting it the wrong way incase I bust my system!) and more concerned with perhaps letting me listen to several pairs of speakers, ie the things that would entirely change the sound I was presented with.

I believe that this thread has turned into the lower lower end (duplicate on purpose) of high end. 
Jea48? Thank you! 
The thread you referenced earlier was absolutely on point!
 Herman and Kijanki both expound precisely with "correct" information to help explain doubts about this subject matter. And further they accomplish this in a way that I think most here can understand.
 Nsgarch, Almarg and also yourself, also add to this nicely rounded thread. 
 I would highly recommend that anyone here with any doubt or question on this subject? Please reference that thread before continuing here on this one;