has anybody else noticed this about flac audio?

o.k are you ready for some truth friends ? flac has compression levels from 0 to 8 with the official flac default level being 5. now flac is lossless compression so there should be no sound loss from the original source no matter what compression level you use however if you encode the same song using every different flac compression level even though they will all be lossless there absolutely is a difference in the overall sound including tone and sound stage from level to level and doing your own test will only prove me right. now here’s where it gets strange? vintage vinyl has stereo + stereo depth perception (3d sound stage).digital audio has stereo + mono depth perception (2d sound stage) and this includes all new remastered vinyl cut from the digital master. this is why digital audio does not sound like vintage vinyl along with brick wall compression.i find it odd that the only flac compression level not recommended as a default no matter what software you use is flac compression level 4 ? it just so happens that re-encoding digital audio to flac with compression level 4 converts digital mono depth perception back into digital stereo depth perception (3d sound stage) just like vintage vinyl! and i don’t think this is by mistake friends ? do your own test and get ready to have your mind blown. here is an audio sample: level 5 http://pc.cd/pCcrtalK level 4 http://pc.cd/iVWrtalK
1) You are making absolute statements about sound quality based solely on your personal experience which may or may not be limited. That is a mistake.

2) digital sound stage is not 2-D. If that is what you are experiencing see 1).

3) Compressed file formats be they lossy or in this case lossless do require additional processing on the streamer to decompress before streaming. That might produce different noise levels with some devices. So I can see where more compressed lossless flac might be at a disadvantage but results will still depend on how well the streamer is able to do its job.
heaudio123"I can’t say this in a nice way, but this statement is made up. There is no basis for making it and absolutely no way to justify it."

There is every reasonable, practical, and justifiable basis for this person to have made his statements and that is that he is reporting what he hears. No one hear has to "justify" making they’re listening results here, except perhaps to the group’s moderators but in this example there is nothing objectionable, offensive, or inappropriate about this post except you happen to not like it. Just because you do not agree with a statement or are unable to understand the statement or it’s background does not mean that the statement is "made up."

"I have to assume it comes from a lack of understanding of digitized and reconstructed analog signals, and a belief in the perfection of vinyl (which it most certainly is not)."
That is a remarkable, notable, and "impressive" set of assumptions and "leaps of faith" in reasoning but I guess that is something you are allowed to do. So I will assume that you make this statement because you are unable to process the information offered in a way other than to reject, attack, or dismiss it without reasonable explanation.
sam here thanks for all the input.i am by no means an audiophile  and i don't mind someone saying i'm full of crap?

 i understand how crazy this sounds however there is a noticeable difference between vintage vinyl and digital audio and i believe that difference can be greatly reduced by re-encoding to flac with compression level 4 my test prove it to my ears perhaps somebody could do a quick re-encode and do there own a/b test?

also when i made a 1 gb virtual hard drive from my pc's ram memory and import audio into the virtual ram drive and play the audio from the ram the sound quality is improved 100% like listening to the studio master tape can somebody explain this?
I've never had a problem with any of my flac files. Flac is the musical equivalent of the zip file used for compressing computer program and data files. There is no data lost or changed. Higher compression levels for flac (which makes for smaller file size) do require more processor work to decode, but I doubt that has been a problem for most modern PCs for a decade or more.

I converted most of my vinyl (well over a thousand albums) to digital over a ten year period, so there was a lot of material I was able to compare back-to-back. I've found a careful digital conversion of a LP sounds just as good as the vinyl.

IMO, most of the complaints about digital music have to do with the fashions and fads of the time period when the recording was made -- think of the "loudness wars". Due to the technical limitations of cutting vinyl, it is much easier to pull off a loudness war recording with digital. That's just one example. Digital recording has a lot of "toys" available, and if you give toys to boys, they will play with them. That said, digital, and the flac format, is perfectly capable of outstanding recordings -- there are plenty out there if one looks for them.