Magico Q3 vs wilson sophia 3

Greetings to you all.
Someone listened to these speakers, if you explain me the differences.
I'm looking for a new speaker that is as transparent as possible
I think the speakers mentioned are.

This is one thread where I feel everybody knows what they are exactly talking about. Ciro 71, if are choosing between just these two, hands down, Magico Q3. I think people already commented pretty well on their characteristics which are similar to what I personally observed through my auditioning. It is also interesting you mention Vitus Audio because that is exactly the gear that the importer here demo the Magico Q3/5s with. Great match, and will get you closer to real instruments/vocal sounds. "Wilsons" not even close.. check out hand side, you see list of gears they import, and Vitus and Magico are there. ;-)
Although I have no experience with the Q3, I have owned the Mini II, and am very familiar with the Magico sound. It is a good speaker with very distinct character. However, after some time I found the speaker to be colored and fatiguing (Halcro and dCS gear). I found complete hapinees with the Vivid speakers. Very natural and realistic presentation. Even the small speaker, the V 1.5 is a world class speaker.
I've seen guys who played the last CES sasha wilson is vitus ss
Can someone tell me how they played??
Thank you all.