How many speaker companies?

It seems like every time I look up someone is inquiring about XYZ speaker manufacturer, that I have never even heard of .
Does anyone have an  estimate of how many speaker companies there are in the world ?
thanks !
Not sure why anyone would care about this,  Just listen to some and buy the ones that sound the best.  I think you also need to find a dealer who knows how to match an amplifier to speakers.  I would suggest attending an audio show and to listen.  Problem is you are at the mercy of what the manufactures bring to the show.
It might be an easier task to count the # of companies gone, starting with Western Electric.
Many were "too good" for the market.
Usually the founder got old and sold.
Then you end up with congloms like Voxx that use the AR name to sell crap to chumps. I'm talking to you now Drop.
Don't worry about the shitty ones, they will pass soon enough.
Gee larry5729 I sure do hope that Buchardt brings the S400s. Will save me laying out full price to hear them.
No dealers.
I can't fathom any reason they wouldn't.
One has always been @ the mercy of those who know (or purport to know) and do (or attempt to) something you can't...*S*

I'd suspect that the number of 'builders' vaguely matches the growth of general population, but that's an offhand guesstimation....

But, as larry5729 suggests, it comes down to what one wants to hear and it's back to the hunt.

'Twas always thus...;)