60Hz hum


I have a 60Hz hum and I don't know what to do. I must admit that I am dumber than dumb and I know nothing about nothing so my knowledge is very limited here but I did read about It and tried a few things to, alas, no avail.

A bit of context: My system have been playing for a good 7-8 years without any problem but a few days ago I moved furnitures around and did a bit of cleaning and before disconnecting everything I heard a hum in my speakers that I never heard before. How long is/was the hum present I don't know but my room is fairly small and the system is always on yet not always playing because It is my living/audio/TV room all on one. I am pretty sure I would have heard It by now but I didn't so... Bottom line, not sure since when the hum is there.

Once I cleaned up everything and connect everything back on to exactly the same set up as before the hum is still there. What I did so far is connect/disconnect one component at the time and tried to isolate everything. 

In the end I'd say the hum is coming from the integrated. I disconnected from the power bar, I tried direct to outlet, I changed outlet, I changed outlet with and without the power bar, I even changed room and outlet with the integrated and speakers. I tried left speaker, I tried right speaker, I did tried 2 different speaker cables. Hum hum hum... So I don't think Its neither the speakers nor the speakers cable. My logic tells me that It has to be the integrated. 

Where do I go from here? Is my integrated broken? What do I do now?

Any help would be appreciated.


NAD C315BEE integrated
Totem Arro speakers
Blue Jeans Cable BJC Ten White speakers cable
Monster Cable power bar


Usually this would be ground loop hum, which can happen any time there's more than one path to ground. So check to make sure everything is plugged into the same outlet.

But it sounds like you do have everything in one. If nothing is connected to the integrated, just the speakers, and you still get hum, then its the integrated.

But its low enough you lived with it for years already. So what's a few more...?

You could try a cheater plug on the integrated and see if that eliminates the hum. 
@ simon45

Look at the plug on the end of the power cord of the NAD C315BEE. I believe it is a 2 wire 2 blade plug. Correct? No equipment ground pin. The unit has double insulated AC mains power wiring. Class II wiring.

Just a guess the hum you are hearing is not a 60Hz hum. It is not a ground loop hum.

Does the hum sound like this?
