Beginner audiophile pre-amp/receiver recommendations

Hello all trying to piece together a system that will cover dedicated listening as well as a 2nd zone for in ceiling during parties. 

I'm looking for something to replace my AV receiver with a stereo receiver that will do the following, I'd like to keep things in as few components as possible to not upset the W.A.F..
2 Zone output (xlr)
Phono stage
DAC (for an eventual Bluesound node to replace the chromecast)
FM tuner

Would like to be under 1500.  I'm not opposed to a pre-owned unit. can be an integrated as long as I can also drive the external amp w/XLR:

Currently have:
Krell KAV 2500 power amp
Anthem AVM 20
Chromecast HIFI
Thorens TD120
Hales Concept 2 loudspeakers
Inceliing speakers (4)
Getting ahead of yourself. Needs clarification. Ceiling speakers and receivers are about as low-fi as you can get. Basically any signal whatsoever getting to them is as good as any other. For stereo however, huge difference.

So I would set aside everything having to do with the ceiling. Focus on finding the best stereo integrated you can. Because whatever that is you can always figure out some way to connect it to the garb, er I mean ceiling stuff.
My Jolida Fusion pre comes with 3 variable outputs, 2 RCA and 1 XLR. It driving your Krell via XLR and a cheaper amp with RCA input for the 2nd zone would work. I am sure there are other preamps that have this flexibility.
Definitely try to stay away from any receivers, everything about them is a compromise, sq being the first thing. As far as decent integrated amp, I really think you can’t get better than Schiit RAGNAROK, it has everything that you listed, a good dac, phono stage, multiple outputs - balanced and single ended even a headphone amp and most importantly it will sound good. It’s a little over your budget at 1800 but I don’t think you can get better for the price and features. I own a few Schiit pieces and they are excellent. If a tuner is important, you can always add one later for not a lot of money but you really don’t want it inside your amp
Jolida Fusion looks very interesting,  if I went that route, how could you control the "zone" i dont see that it has an a/b a+b control.

Appreciate all the feedback, narrowing down is not easy
I also have the jolida fusion, it’s a preamp only. There’s no a/b switching, only source select. You can't control two amps separately with it