Qobuz Special Offer

Qobuz must be feeling the impact from Amazon, (just my guess).  They are now offering their service for $14.99 per month or $149.99 for a full year.

Limited time offer.

That’s what a bit of healthy competition can achieve.
Good news IMHO!

+1  Totally agree!
Just got this email from Qobuz today so it appears they are automatically converting accounts to the lower fee.  I know many of us hoped this would occur...nice to Qobuz respond quickly.

Now only $14.99 Because your music is worth it

If you are serious about music, you deserve the best sound quality. Studio Premier gives you unlimited access to our certified Hi-Res and CD lossless quality catalog and in-depth exclusive editorial content for only $14.99/month.

The good news is that you don't have to do anything to take advantage of this offer. You will be automatically transferred to this new plan at $14.99/month when your monthly subscription is renewed on 11/14/2019.

I just renewed mine for another year for $12.49/monthly.  This is freakin’ awesome.