Qobuz Users Update?

the service in the USA has been out a few months now. initial posters on this site commented on good sound quality in hi rez but a limited catalogue. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical. Would anyone who has been a user from the get go please comment on your experience? I've been a Tidal guy for years and am fairly satisfied. Thanks to anyone taking the time to comment
IMO, MQA is no longer relevant. You can now stream high resolution files from Qobuz and that’s pretty much ends any ongoing debate about MQA merits.

I am glad that we now have a choice and one doesn’t need to pursue or depend on MQA compatible hardware (DAC’s). 

Nuff said....Case closed!

I naively thought MQA and the Qobuz offered hi res would sound the same but they didn't guess my ears aren't that messed up. Using my Lumin T2, I could hear differences between the two formats. I know MQA is lossy and I agree with Lalitk and DDude003 there's no "need" for MQA. Bob Stuart must be watching his dream of his own proprietary format slowly starting to fade away in relevance. Lots of bandwidth now and only increasing. MQA is irrelevant IMO.
I recently signed back up for Tidal for a cheap 3 month stint they offered me to "come back".

There really is no comparison between Qobuz hires ( 24/96 and 24/192) and Tidal MQA.

Sometimes the MQA version can send a little warmer but generally the Qobuz files have more detail and dynamics to the music.

Of course if you start with a poor recording, well all bets are off!

Until the "next big thing" comes along I will stick with Qobuz even though it is $5 a month more than Tidal for the top tier service.
I never state a format is dead. I felt that way once when I stated albums were dead, they were not and albums and turntables never died, in fact they made a huge comeback.