Vandersteen 2ce sig ii vs Devore 0/93

Just curious if anyone has heard these two on the same system in the same room. I am guessing the 0/93 would or should be a huge setup up. I am running Atma-Sphere MA-1 silvers and a UV-1 with Bel Canto Dac 3. So power isn’t an issues with the vandies. reason I ask is that I am looking to move up from the 2ce sig ii. Devore and Daedalus is on my radar... 
Prof you are so correct.... Now I am going hijack my own thread... lmao...
   For you Vandie people.... How do you feel about the Magnepan 1.7i’s if you’ve heard them? 
   Thanks again guys this was a great thread with excellent feedback.
A pair of Treo CTs handily beat some Magnapan 20.7s at my local hi-fi shop IMO. More punchy and dynamic
Glad you asked about 1.7 or bigger ,     I really like them. spent several enjoyable hours listening to Jacintha on a pair here in San Diego recent w my old spare B77 half track.. Dealer is Stereo Unlimited, 7 big showrooms of fun and many top brands, including Vandersteen. they certainly gave the massive Mac monoblocks a workout but sounded great - 6-8’ out into an already big room. I think the room will be the issue for most. A credible contender and always on my list. Obviously a dealer network, value focused firm, going to around a long time, decent resale, on the list !

have fun
enjoy the music

i have a nice RSD disc spinning now Delos, Triplaner, Bardo, NOVA-II, NAIM Atom out to TREO-CT, nothing forward in my system, but everything is different....


Since you are asking about the Devore o/93s, are you familiar with my long thread in which I get very detailed about my audition of the Devore speakers?   I started with the o/96s and then in a page or two talk about listening to the 93s.  Here's the thread: