Good Product or Nonsense?
A friend loaned me his CD cleaner. I have a photo to upload but there seems no accommodation for this.
'OPTRIX" is the name. Label says it is a clarifier, cleanser for CDs and also stops "Skipping". Cures cancer?
Comments from those who have used this please?
Back in the late 80’s a high end audio shop in Phoenix recommended Armorall on our CD’s.
I have read that you shouldn’t use Armor All. That it has some longterm detrimental effect. I never tried it myself.

I believe that the rationale for disc treatment is that the polycarbonate surface is rough, microscopically speaking, and treatments give you a smoother surface causing less scattering/better focusing of the laser.

Did I just agree with Geoff???

my 2 cents:  I've used 2 or 3 spray bottles of Optrix over the course of 3 or 4 years.  No negative results, no staining, discoloration or negative playback issues.  Also use it on DVDs and find it actually will help a well used DVD play better.  If a disc gets 'stuck' or skips, I've cleaned it with Optrix and in several cases the DVD played minus the hick-up. Gotten in the habit of cleaning DVDs prior to playing them.

As far as sonic benefits on CDs, it seems to do what it claims; never seen a residue or haze after cleaning discs and playback sounds great after application.

Personally I'd never use Windex on a CD.  Windex on glass has never worked for me. We use SprayAway on windows, mirrors, and windhshields.  Windex has always left streaks, SprayAway works much better for us.  The idea of using eyeglass cleaner makes sense, have to give that a try.   

Wow, a lot of varied takes on CD cleaning. Thank you all!

Dekay- good line!!

Aja-Thanks. I have been told I don't know sh-t from Shinola!

Caps- I think they were free basing the stuff!