Buy LED, LCD or Plasma

Going for a new TV. Any hints, warnings or advice? It will go over the fireplace instead of the rug there now.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
I know, I know, but it didn't rule out my ownership.

It's a real shame Pioneer jumped outta this, now ya gotta kick out for a Runco, B&O, there are others.

If ya want a great picture (at a fairly reasonable price) find a Kuro, otherwise it's Best-Buy teenage toy store and get the extended warranty plans.

Just a suggestion Albert, good luck in your search.
Plasmas will be phased out eventually and California is trying to limit TV power usage, so plasmas will be targeted. That said, my Panasonic Plasma has the best picture I have ever seen, except for the Kuro. The Panasonic plasmas are substantially cheaper. I have it in the main open room with windows and skylights. The anti-reflective screen is very effective and the light doesn't bother me at all. No matter which one you get, I recommend an ISF calibration once it is in place and broken in. Good luck!
The Pioneer Plasma is the way to go if you want real high-end video....cannot find any fault with it, it does everything well, after looking that picture, hard to even think about LCD.