Zerostat Milty really?

Ok. So I have massive amounts of static at times when playing vinyl. So much so that it can pull my arm from my table (Thorens TD-124) onto the platter when removing the lp. I am worried I will ruin my stylus when it hits. So I bought the Zerostat and have been using it according to the instructions and the static is still out of control. Is this thing for real or what? Am I doing something wrong? Please help. 
@2channel8, It is good to know that you have lots of fun of improving the static issues on your system. The stereo system is about seeking musical paradise and everyone taking the different paths. There is none fit all and the best than others. This forum is a great place to brainstorming and for discussion from different perspectives. cheers
One of the most fascinating findings reported by Shure in their 1978 white paper on static is that static attraction can spuriously increase VTF by as much as 3/8 of a gram (0.375 gm).  So, you may not "hear" the static, but that is a significant effect on VTF that will alter sonics and wear on both the stylus and LP.  I would not have believed their claim, were it not for the fact that they actually did the experiment.
I need to discipline myself and just listen to music more. It sounds so good and makes me a better person.
I had a lot of older records that were full of static. Invest in a wet record cleaning machine. That will effectively kill the static and keep your grooves squeaky clean. I bought the Record Doctor. It'll set you back about $200 but worth every penny. 
Milty was of no use to me.....they called it a DiscWasher AntiStatic gun then.  I'm not a fan of record cleaning machines as well.  I think they are way overpriced....yes it makes the records sound a bit better, but not worth the hastle.  I use a Hunt brush before playing records which seems to work....the stylus looks clean.