NOS Grace F9E question

A friend of mine gave me a Grace F9E to try on my 1200G.  He thinks it may be a good fit.  It appears to be brand new and never used.  It has a plastic protector that covers practically the entire cartridge.  I cannot get it off as it is on there very tight.  Is there any special way to get it of and not damage the cartridge?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@lewm oops, i meant Grace Ceramic cantilever in my previous post, not Titanium
anyone know the voltage output of the Grace carts? I'm having a hard time finding that info.  thanks in advance. 
@jollytinker which model ? Normally from 3 mV to 5 mV (depends on the model) 

Dear chakster, I own both; JVC-X1, mk1 as well mk2 . Both

have solid beryllium cantilever + shibata stylus. If titanium

cantilevers are available  than as separate styli. There are also

aluminum kinds available for both X-1,mk 1 and mk 2.

Dear @lewm : Ceramic is even more resonant and very bad for cantilevers. Other than in cartridges some manufacturers used in headshells and tonearms and all sounds really bad. Ceramic is not for the analog rig, at least not in the condition the manufacturers used it.

@jollytinker here you can read on all the F9 line: 

and the F8 line has 5mv.
