Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
For the same reason as you? Current customer and potential new one on the card size. Plus active Aphile enjoying these threads much like you though not quite as active as you. 
But why is he on this thread at all?
Are you kidding me?
Does anybody need a reason or permission to be on a thread here now?
Give me a break.....
Update: The E-Matt has been on my Dac as stated in my comment here dated 07-29-2018 9:28 am. This morning I'm hearing an improvement in vocals, more shimmer, shine, and harmonizing almost like another dimension was added. I don't know why but I like what I'm hearing. I agree the breaker pannels would be a good place to try the E-Mat.

“The issue here is that this forum is open to all comments, be they gushingly positive, neutral or not positive. An advertiser using this forum as a sole distribution point does not want perceived negative comments out to be seen in the open. You either restrict the comments and free speech to only positive of a product or allow all sides comment.

(I am not insinuating anything of the product that this thread represents, just the ability to comment sensibly on whatever the subject is)”


No one is banning or deleting, negative comments about the mat from you, or anyone else. You, or anyone else, have the freedom to post what you want (within forum rules) on this thread. The flip side is that others can excercise that same freedom and respond to your post. You seem to want to have your freedom to post, but restrict the freedom of others to respond.


I know it can be tough for impatient audiophiles like me, but if you leave the mat on your DAC for two weeks, I believe you will fully experience & understand what I, and others, have been talking about. I’m not saying it takes two weeks to hear ANY improvement (as you know), but it gets substantially better over that time (From fleschler’s comments, maybe even beyond?).