This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.

I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp. Which would you choose? I prefer solid state. Separates or integrated. If you could recommend a few optimum choices that would be great. Based on my short couple years on here you strike me as very knowledgable on the subject. My dealer wants me on Pass Labs. Incidentally right now I have the Devialet 400 and I’m pretty sure you are not a fan of this type of amp. Any of your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Mike

PS: Love these older class-a monsters, Mark Levinson ML2 monoblocks, only 25w Class-A into 8 ohms, nothing more, but said to be able to do the "almost" doubling wattage act down to 1ohm

Cheers George
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Bubba12:  I have had 2 sets of Krell mono blocks and one set of Pass Labs. I had 2 Kma 160’s a set of Pass X250’s and now have a couple of Krell EV 600’s. I liked them all.  Good class a bias and plenty of current. The KMA 160’s didn’t have enough juice for my then Martin Logan Monoliths.  Bought some Wilson Max II,s and the Pass amps couldn’t get me where I wanted to go.  Finally bought some Ev 600’s and have never looked back.  They have all the current I desire and personally, I love the Krell sound.  I would try to find a used Krell stereo amp-one of the older models that have had the caps replaced.  IMO, you can never have too much power and there are occasionally good deals to be found on used Krell amps.

I decided to go a little less expensive route. I bought some Odyssey Stratos Extreme mono blocks with an Odyssey Tempest Preamp. So far I really love the sound and feel like I can live with this sound for the foreseeable future. 
And what exactly is the foreseeable future? If it's foreseeable it's not the future, unless you can actually see it or maybe hear it coming (this isn't forecasting…that's more of an art form). And you CAN have too much power so hey…turn it down. No…wait…turn it up. Thanks.