Tidal and Squeezebox

In case there are other Squeezebox users out there who were wondering about this...I can tell you it works beautifully.

Linked up my Tidal account through Squeeze server; playing perfectly over home network to Squeezebox Touch into external DAC. Just when I was about to mothball the Squeezebox, it lives again!

As an added bonus, using SqueezeCtrl Android app (by AngryGoat) i'm fully able to remote control Tidal/Squeezebox. This was the solution i've been looking for! Now I just need to find another Squeezebox Touch. 

The Squeeze was way ahead of its time.


Has anyone else stumbled onto this yet?


Yep, the Squeezebox Touch (SBT) does work, up to 96 kHz/24 bit digital output. You can also use SqueezeLite to convert any laptop/pc into a virtual SB player. :) Should also be able to use it with Rasberyy PI variants as well. I think there’s a kit out there to create a SB clone, now that they are gone from the market.

On my Linux media server, SqueezeLIte does very well with 384kHz PCM and 2xDSD over S/PDIF to my Mytek Brooklyn. Sadly, this only works up to 2x DSD because of the limits in USB bandwidth. I don’t think it has a native DSD / USB player yet. Native DSD player interfaces need less bandwidth, so can play 4x natively over USB. Maybe this has been addressed by the author.

It may not be clear, but I use the SqueezePlayer on a Linux server to manage my music. On the same PC I have SqueezeLite which acts as a client, and controls the Brooklyn in the living room.

In a separate room I use an actual Squeezebox Touch which gets it’s music from the same SqueezePlayer pc. I can use my Android devices to control either. You don't even half to use a real SBT in the mix. I really like this as a music server, but installation is a bit of a pain. I use Ubuntu and recommend you stay away from Fedora for this application.


Actually with the EDO update my Touch will output 192/24 through USB to my Codex DAC
Thanks for the run down. That's pretty slick. I've been wondering about using my Raspberry Pi 3 as a transport for a good USB dac. 
Drrsutlif, I installed the EDO update to my SBT but so far can't get my AQ dragonfly red (very good to my ears) to work...are there any additional settings or options I should play with? 
I’m not familiar with the dragonfly setup but here is a quote from a user on another site:

“Setup for my various Squeezebox Touch was a pain. Need to use the Enhanced Audio Output app, need an USB hub and the gain of the Dragonfly is based on the OS's volume (SBT uses Linux) which is too low by default so have to go it and adjust. It took a while to figure everything out…”

i had heard some of the usb powered dacs need a powered usb hub to operate in this setup though I was able to use a Meridian Explorer 2 without any issues.  I do run my Touch with a Welbourne LPS, but not sure that makes any difference for powering the DAC via the usb plug when implementing EDO.