$10K-15K short list?

Hi all,

I have a budget of $10K-$15K for a pair of full range towers. I am open to used or new.

What should be on my short list to audition or consider?

Currently have a Mcintosh amp/system.
DeVore Fidelity Gibbon X or O/96.

These speakers not only sound good, but they are easy to drive, so it opens up many more choices of amplification.
Many options. However, you should try to have an in-home audition. Speakers sound very different in your own listening room compared to the audio store - especially if you have placement limitations. In the DC area, Gifted Listener Audio, Deja Vu Audio, and Border Partrol will make arrangements for a home audition (not sure about CommandAV). The other option . . .  to purchase from a manufacturer that has a liberal return policy such as Zu, Tekton, and Teresonic. Two speakers that have been mentioned that I have heard and liked are AudioNote ANE and Devore 0/96. To these I would add Zu Definition 4s - the ones that I have owned for 6 years, Living Voice (but not quite full-range), and Coincident. My Zu Def 4s are flat down to 16Hz.
It seems that B&W does not target a flat response, instead going for a "smile" response.  Up to you if that offends your sensibilities. 

Also, steer clear of the yellow Kevlar midrange BW uses.  I could swear that thing is in break up mode through its whole operating range.  I think in your price range you won't see that driver, but just in case....

B&W had a great reputation 30 years ago.

It all depends what you are looking for and please don't say extreme accuracy or highest fidelity because everyone says that but in reality it is rarely a requirement at all. Most speakers offer you a smilie EQ  - big bass and emphasized treble - as this is what impreses in a demo and what most sells - even high end headphones use the same trick.