Best amp pairing with Aerial Acoustics Speakers?

I have some Aerial 7B's and I have been contemplating upgrading to the new 7T.  Does anyone have suggestions as to what amps pair with Aerials the best?  I have heard a lot of people paired the older Aerials with Classe, Bryston, and Theta.  But now with Theta being mostly Class D amps, and Classe having the same path forward, I wonder of that makes a difference...  

On that note, I would love to hear them with the new ATI class D amps, as well as the Levinson 532H amp. (I haven't heard the amps, but people say they have amazing midrange, which is what Love about the Aerials right now).

I have also looked way off into left field and saw a Plinius SB-301 MkII for sale here as of late...

Anyway, my questions stands.  What amps pair the best with Aerial Acoustics?

I would go w/a Bryston SST2 w/7B's. You can save some money from the new 4B Cubed. The combo balances out very well.

I use Sunfire 300 with my 10t's

I wish I could 'intercept' great deals on Sunfire 600 which I believe is a true undisputed heavy weight world champion that can still take down ones priced up to 10 times higher.

I also concur to suggestions of using SMC products. DNA250 comes into mind, but it can be more budget oriented model such as 125..

Has anyone tried Aerial with the new Class D Amps?  ATI? Bel Canto?  I wonder if they would work as well as a good high current class A/B amp from Theta, Bryston, Krell, etc...
Second question: would the newer Aerial 7Ts require different Amp/processor combos than the older 7b speakers?  I know they have different sonic characters so I wonder about "processor/amp pairing" with the different Aerials...

just a thought...