Coda Tech Amplifier

i'm intrested to this brand, some of you, guys knows it?
thank you
My last audition was a long time ago, so I would not put much weight on my comments in evaluating the newest Coda products.


I do know that Coda products are well built ( I have owned  a preamp), and as far as what I have read they stand behind their products.
Coda dealer here, the Coda amps are extraordinary for the money.

They have great bass control, a huge sound stage, and are tranparent with a hint of warmth. 

One of our favorite products, extremely well built and very reasonably priced. 

The CSIB is a $6,000.00 400 watt integrated amplifier with the first 5 watts being class A, you can order one with 200 watts of power and 20 watts Class A, built like a tank One of the greatest buys in audio.

Troy or Dave
Audio Doctor
877 428 2873
I have owned 3 Coda amps, 2 preamps, and a phono preamp.
Coda is anything BUT neutral, or cool sounding.

Yes, Coda was started in the late 80’s by 3 ex-Threshold engineers, and sonically they sound similar to the Threshold and Pass Labs amps that I’ve also owned. I don’t think anyone will say that Threshold or Pass Labs amps sound cool/neutral, and I would say the same of Coda.

To me, the Coda sound is rich, vibrant, full-bodied, with tight, powerful bass.
Also, yes, Coda does design and build amps for other companies like Innersound, Legacy, and Sanders too.