Bryston BDA-3

  I have a lot of SACDs.  I am therefore intrigued by this Bryston DAC, claims to decode DSD from SACD over HDMI.  I can't find any reviews of the product.  Does any one have any experience with it?
i was auditioning the Bryston hoping that I would love it so much that I would sell off the Mytek.  When I had purchased the Mytek it made everything that it does play sound so much better that now my SACDs in two channel via the Oppo didn't stack up well against red book via the Mytek.  As I have said the Bryston helps the SACD and Blu Rays and it bests the Oppo for red book but the Mytek
still is superior --clearly--than the Bryston.
  It is a real stretch to own 2 DACs.  One consideration is the rapidly falling price of DACs.  The Mytek has lost 50% of it's value on the used market in the months that I have owned it.
  I also drive a 12 year old Honda Civic.  My friends laugh at me because my stereo costs more than my car.  I tell them that my stereo takes me to places that my car never will
 I tell them that my stereo takes me to places that my car never will
This is so true mahler123. Very well said.

I will have to hear these 2 DACs personally. Thank You for your feedback. Trying to convince my wife to make a trip to Chicago AXPONA this year and spend 2 days, instead of 1. Want to hear as much DACs as I can.
@plutos I haven't had a chance to do a lot of critical listening with the Sonica DAC yet, but my first impression is that it retains the same basic SABRE sound character but might be slightly faster at transients and thus have slightly more separation between notes than the OPPO HA-1. But the degree is very small, if any, so I could just be imagining things. I need more time to be able to form a more concrete opinion.
Well Millpai, let me know if you attend Axpona, maybe we can meet for a drink or something