How much gain is needed in a Phono Preamp for a 0.2 to 0.3mv low output moving coil?

I have been out of audio for 25 years and am now getting back into getting a system. I have looked at Manley Chinook, Ear 834p, and Audio research 5, 6, 7 Phono preamps, after reading thru many or post on Audiogon. All have about 57db gain to 60 bd gain. I have been looking at getting either a Dynavector 10x5, Benz micro Silver, Ortofon Quintet Black, or a used Benz Ruby Z (if I can find the money). Is 57db enough gain for the cartridges. I would also welcome feedback on the Phono Preamp. I am leaning toward the ARC PH7 or Manley. Either would be around the same price. I would prefer to stay with tubes. The turntable is a VPI Prime. Any help or opinion would be greatly appreciated.
Also consider using a SUT such as Bob's Devices with a MM phono. Reducing all those electronics can give a cleaner sound.

"Most of the cartridges I have looked at are 0.3 or less so I need to find a Phono with at least 60db output. "

The 10x5 is a high output cartridge. But if you are going to use a low output card, I wouldn't use a tube phono pre unless you can afford a really good one.

If you want something that's foolproof and sounds really good, get a Dynavector P-75 phono preamp, and a Dunavector 20x2 low output cart. I have the same setup on one of my VPI TT's.

I also run an Orpheus L with a phonostage with 60 db of gain.  I have enough gain from the phonostage.  However, I don't know about the amount of gain provided by my linestage or the input sensitivity of my amp, so it is hard to translate my experience into how anyone else would fare with 60 db of gain.  If I had an additional 3-6 db of gain, that might be desirable, but, as with anything audio, that would probably come as a tradeoff in some other area of performance.
Hi Larry,

Congrats on your Orpheus L. Your inputs elsewhere on this forum helped me to decide on buying mine. Much appreciated. 

I get enough volume with the Ayre set at 60db, but think that it would be optimal to have my preferred listening volume occur at the unity gain position or below on my pre's volume control rather than above, thus my comment on wishing I had a bit more gain from the phono stage. 

Going to a 0.2mV cartridge would make this even more of a challenge.

Battery powered ZYX CPP-1 headamp (pre-preamp) designed for 0,24mV MC cartridges and compete with the finest suts ever made according to Arthur Salvator’s info. It has additional 26db step-up ratio for your MM input to drive LOMC cartridges. This is a very special device! ZYX own input resistors made of cryo purified chrystal copper wire (they use the same in material for their mc coil). The resistor is made by winding the wire to a coil that has no inductance in a special process. No noice and no infuctance at all. With this device all you need for LOMC is just MM stage.

So in addition to regular MM stage +26db with headamp for 0,24 mV MC is enough.

I owm Zyx CPP-1 and never had probs with LOMC.