Best Arm for a VdH Frog

I am in love with my new cartridge and it sounds very nice on a pimped Jelco 750D.
But maybe the arm is not the best for this Frog. What do you think are the options in a length about max. 9,6inch?
A.J. said, up to 14gramm effective mass it works.
Than I'll choose Grace G707 which is approximately 9.4" length.
Way cheaper, but still kinda high-tech. Definite step up.
... my word Czarivey....the Grace 707 and the Dynavector are worlds apart from each other. 
99 -  I would call VDH and ask them what they recommend.  There are lots of great arms - I'm not convinced your arm is not one that would play well with your cartridge.  In MY world, yours may very well not be the "perfect" arm, but if the results bring smiles to you...that's what's important.  You might spend a lot of money and may just have a "different" presentation, but not one that brings any additional smiles.