Mid-priced solid state options

Any thoughts how an Aragon 8008 mk 2 and a Parasound A21 compare.  Preamp is a ARC LS17se.

Thank you.  
Thanks George for the feedback and additional detail of the 3.0.  The Aragon has a huge power supply.  Bigger than the A21 and is stable into a 2 ohm load.  The design is a bit older than the Parasound though.      
the Aragon 8008 was reborn in 2013. Did the original 8008 have a mkll version?
I have the MK.2 version which is the same as the 8008BB just with a better look.  This is the version that  Klipsch had for a short time before selling to Indy Audio Labs.  I bought mine new in 2004 and have not used it that much.  Exact same as the original BB.     
I think you really need to listen to both in your system as they should be pretty close.  Or add the new Benchmark amp to the mix...

BTW, how do you like the horizontal display on your LS17?
If you're really upgrading your speakers in the near future I'd wait until you have them before buying a new amp.