Parasound Halo JC-1 for Thiel CS 5i


I have a set of Thiel CS5i's that I am running with a W4S ST1000 amp.

Would Parasound Halo JC-1 mono amps be an improvement? Why?



You might want to check with Parasound regarding 2 ohm loads. I believe the JC-1 is spec'd for 4 ohm loads minimum.

I am driving B&W 803Ds with a pair of JC-1s, and they have a minimum impedance of about 3 ohms. No problem with those, but 2 ohms is quite a bit lower.
I don't think the JC1's will have any problems with a 2 Ohm impedance swing.

"With continuous drive, the Parasound clipped at 545W into 8 ohms (27.4dBW)—way above the specified 400W. ("Clipping" is defined, as usual, as the power level where the measured THD figure reaches 1%, and is shown in fig.7 as the horizontal magenta line.) With a low-duty-cycle 1kHz toneburst more representative of music, the Halo was a powerhouse. Its clipping power increased by 0.3dB into 8 ohms, reaching 586.5W at 1% THD (27.7dBW, fig.7, black trace), with 1154W available into 4 ohms (27.6dBW, blue), 2255W into 2 ohms (27.5W, green), and no less than 4.2kW into 1 ohm (27.2dBW, magenta). The latter is equivalent to an output current of 64.7A!"


The current was what caught my eye on the JC1's as they listed something like 135 amps for instantaneous peaks.

The W4S is rated at 40 amps. I also see that an older Krell FPB 300c was rated less than that.

Now , of course, I am not sure how to read and understand all this technical data and be able to compare continuous versus peak outputs.

However, you cannot have current without watts, so I suspect that alternatives to the W4S will be different in the higher frequency and not so much in the bass, which gets at one of the perceptions about class D.

Any thoughts on that?




The W4S is rated at 40 amps. I also see that an older Krell FPB 300c was rated less than that.

Something is very wrong with what you saw or read, as there is no way the W4S could out current the Krell FPB 300c, especially into 4-2ohm loads, where it counts with the OP’s speakers.

Where did you see this? If these were figures can you point to them?

I would hazard a guess that one was "peak" amps and the other was "rms" amps at the very least.

PS: As the next Krell up "350c" I found can do
" Specified power is 350Wpc into 8 ohms, 700 big ones into 4, and a whopping 1400W into punishing 2 ohm loads."

These sorts of figures indicate massive current/amperage, and the 600c is much more. The WFS has no chance of doing these sort of figures.

PPS: I did find these figure on the 600c

"The FPB 600 could sustain a 29.3dBW level into this load, corresponding to 3,400Wpc—an extraordinary figure.

Driven on a toneburst equivalent to peak program duty at 8 ohms, it reached to touch the 1000W line, while at 4 ohms it attained 1850W, and for 2 ohms 3530W. And for 1 ohm—wait for it—an amazing 6000W!

Cheers George

Hi George,

Of course I cannot find the reference to which I referred in my earlier note.

However, googled the Krell web site and looked at the Krell Solo 575 Mono Power Amplifier featuring Krell iBias Technology. The output is listed as 575 W RMS at t 8 Ω and  900 W RMS at 4 Ω. The output current is listed at 22 A peak.

The W4S ST1000 is rated at 570W at 8 Ω and 1140W at 4 Ω with a maximum output current of 40A.

I am sure that there is some dissimilarity in the specs but any amp that can double into 4 ohms from 8 ohms cannot be  a slouch and simply run out of gas for 1 to 2 ohm loads. Or can it? And if so, why?

If the watts are there, you have to get the current, correct?

I am the OP on this thread and I can tell you that the W4S is powering the Thiel CS5i's with a lot of dynamics and texture in the bass. If there is a shortfall with the amp, it is probably in the treble where on certain CDs the high notes can get edgy. But then that could be the specific recording and not the amp.

For what it is worth, I use the same amp with my Maggie 3.6's which are not as bad a load as the Thiels. I am hearing a lot more resolution throughout the audio range with the Thiels over the Maggies with the same amp.

My thinking was the 135 amp peaks with the Parasound JC1's would do a better job on the bass. However, an earlier contributor to this thread suggests that the bass will not be  a lot different but the highs would be better with the JC1's. 

We all know the answer to this question will be for me to try some other amps and see what I like. Being on a budget limits my ability to get at the real high end stuff so.....!?


